CRIMINAL JUSTICECriminal Records & Collateral ConsequencesDisabilityEQUALITYFair Trial RightsFair Trial, Due Process & SentencingNot Criminally ResponsibleSex Offender Registries A Victory for Justice and Equality: SCC Finds Ontario Law Discriminates Based on Mental Disability In a strong decision released today, the Supreme Court of Canada has decided that Ontario’s…Cara ZwibelNovember 20, 2020
DisabilityEQUALITYIndigenous PeopleMAJOR CASES & REPORTSRace, Religion & EthnicitySafe SheltersSocio-Economic Status CCLA Wins Fight for Homeless Against City The Canadian Civil Liberties Association and coalition partners have won a lawsuit agains the City…CCLAOctober 15, 2020
COVID-19DisabilityEQUALITYIndigenous PeopleMAJOR CASES & REPORTSRace, Religion & EthnicitySafe SheltersSocio-Economic Status CCLA and Coalition Partners Help Toronto’s Homeless Population The City of Toronto has finally committed to enforceable physical distancing standards across its shelter…CCLAMay 19, 2020
COVID-19DisabilityEQUALITYIndigenous PeopleMAJOR CASES & REPORTSRace, Religion & EthnicitySafe SheltersSocio-Economic Status CCLA Defends Toronto’s Homeless Population Toronto has failed to protect homeless people in its over-crowded shelter and respite system –…Noa Mendelsohn AvivApril 24, 2020
COVID-19DisabilityEQUALITYIndigenous PeopleMAJOR CASES & REPORTSRace, Religion & EthnicitySafe SheltersSocio-Economic Status CCLA with Coalition Warns Legal Action Against City of Toronto for Failure to Support Homeless People Toronto has failed to protect homeless people in its over-crowded shelter and respite system –…Noa Mendelsohn AvivApril 21, 2020
COVID-19 & Law EnforcementDisabilityEQUALITYIndigenous PeoplePolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityRace, Religion & EthnicitySocio-Economic Status Carding in a Pandemic While we certainly understand the enormity of the pandemic, and of the province’s task in…Noa Mendelsohn AvivApril 2, 2020
COVID-19DisabilityEQUALITYIndigenous PeopleMAJOR CASES & REPORTSRace, Religion & EthnicitySafe SheltersSocio-Economic Status CCLA’s Urgent COVID Response for Toronto Homeless Population We are writing you about actions and omissions by the City of Toronto with respect…Noa Mendelsohn AvivMarch 29, 2020
Attorney General of Canada V. Corporation of The Canadian Civil Liberties Association Factum
Conditions of ConfinementCRIMINAL JUSTICEDisabilityEQUALITYFighting Solitary ConfinementMAJOR CASES & REPORTSPrisons, Jails & Community SupervisionYouth Solitary confinement is no joking matter – and the courts are not amused – AGAIN! The Ontario Court of Appeal has once more handed down a scathing decision to the…Noa Mendelsohn AvivApril 29, 2019
Ontario Court of Appeals on Federal Governments Second Request for an Extension on Solitary Confinement /wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2019-04-26-ONCA-decision-on-2nd-extension-of-ONSC-decision.pdf