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Mobility Rights In The Supreme Court

This document is an Originating Application before the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador. The CCLA is working against arbitrary travel restrictions that infringe on the mobility rights of Canadians. The First Applicant in this Application, Ms. Kimberly Taylor, grew up in Kilbride, NL, but moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1996. In May 2020, Ms. Taylor’s mother died suddenly, only a day after the Chief Medical Officer had issued a Special Measures Order (Amendment No. 11) which banned certain individuals from entering the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Although Ms. Taylor asked for an exemption to return to her home province for her mother’s funeral, her request was denied. This Application reviews these details.

Parties Included

The parties included in this originating application are:

  • First Applicant, Kimberly Taylor
  • Second Applicant, Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA)
  • First Respondent, Her Majesty in Right of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Second Respondent, Janice Fitzgerald, Chief Medical Officer of Health
Origination Application
The CCLA’s Involvement In Mobility Rights Litigation

The CCLA is an independent, non-profit NGO, dedicated to actively defending and promoting the recognition of fundamental human rights as enshrined in the Constitution Act, 1982. Since its inception in 1964, it has been holding governments accountable by ensuring those rights and freedoms are fostered and observed and that the rule of law is upheld. It advocates on behalf of all people in Canada to ensure that the critical balance between civil liberties and the competing public and private interests is maintained. The CCLA has been active in challenging the constitutionality of various travel bans. See the Originating Application for a more detailed account.