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CCLA is intervening in the Supreme Court of Canada case Andrei Bykovets v His Majesty the King regarding reasonable expectations of privacy in an IP address. CCLA submits that an internet user’s IP address should be protected, that police should be required to gain a warrant prior to getting access, and that the s. 8 privacy interest engages significant s. 7 liberty interests given the nature of the internet in contemporary Canadian society.

A hearing for Bykovets first took place on January 17e, 2023. On November 9e, 2023, a new hearing of the appeal was ordered. The hearing will take place in writing.

CCLA’s factum from the January 2023 hearing can be read ICI.

À propos de l’association canadienne sur les libertés civiles

L’ACLC est un organisme indépendant à but non lucratif qui compte des sympathisant.e.s dans tout le pays. Fondé en 1964, c’est un organisme qui œuvre à l’échelle du Canada à la protection des droits et des libertés civiles de toute sa population.

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